Alois×Leonie Support Conversations
C Support
レオニー: アロイスさん、また師匠の話、聞かせてくださいよ。
Leonie: Alois! I was hoping you could tell me some more stories about Captain Jeralt.
アロイス: またジェラルト殿の話を?レオニー殿はよっぽど好きなのだな。
Alois: You'd like to hear about Jeralt's adventures? You seem quite taken with these stories, Leonie.
レオニー: どうせ今日はもう、仕事も終わって暇なんでしょ。
Leonie: Can't hurt, can it? All our work for the day is done. So remind me... How did you meet him?
アロイス: また随分、昔のことを……。あれは団長が王国を訪ねてきた時……。
Alois: Ah! It all feels like ancient history now. You see, the captain was visiting the Kingdom of Faerghus.
レオニー: うん、うん。
Leonie: Uh-huh. Go on.
アロイス: 団長が従者にしていた少年が、流行り病で死んでしまってな。
Alois: His previous squire had died from a ghastly plague.
Then one day, he came upon me and appointed me his new squire.
レオニー: へえ。アロイスさん、そのころから騎士に相応しい武勇の才能があったんですね。
Leonie: At that age, you must have had some real talent and courage to stand out as a future knight!
アロイス: いや、私は両親を失い修道院にいたから、その時は武勇なんてからきしだったよ。
Alois: Oh, no, it wasn't that. I was just an orphan boy living in the monastery. I was a timid little thing.
レオニー: え? アロイスさんの武勇の才を見抜いたから従者にしたんじゃないの?
Leonie: Really? He didn't choose you for your bravery? What made him choose you, then?
アロイス: ああ、それは、亡くなった少年と私の顔が似ていたから、だそうだ。
Alois: My face looked like the dead boy's.
レオニー: え?……それだけ?
Leonie: What? That's it?!
アロイス: ああ。私も団長に聞いたのだが、それだけだ、と。
Alois: I asked the captain and that was the only answer he gave me.
レオニー: 何それー!相変わらず、大雑把だなぁ、師匠は!
Leonie: Ha! Abrasive to the last! That's Captain Jeralt for you!
アロイス: そうだな。私も最初は、この人、本当に大丈夫なのかと思ったものだ。
Alois: Yes. In those early days, I would sometimes wonder whether he was right in the head.
When I saw him on the battlefield, though, those concerns were laid to rest.
Anyway... I think I hear your professor has been looking for you. You'd better scram.
レオニー: あ、そっかー、忘れてたー!じゃあアロイスさん、また今度ねー!
Leonie: Oh no, you're right! I'd better go. See you around!
B Support
レオニー: ねぇ、アロイスさん。また師匠の面白い話、聞かせてください。
Leonie: Hey, Alois! Tell me another story about Captain Jeralt, will you?
アロイス: もう随分と話したからなあ。面白い話なんて、そうそうあるわけ……。
Alois: I've told you so many! I don't have an endless supply, you know.
There is one that comes to mind, however — that time the captain nearly killed me!
レオニー: え!?アロイスさん、何をしちゃったの?
Leonie: What?! What did you do?
アロイス: 私に何か落ち度があったわけじゃない。そんな話、面白くあるまい?
Alois: Well, it wasn't that I had done anything wrong. That wouldn't be much of a story, now would it? No, we were at the inn, making merry. Suddenly, the other guests began to gather around the captain. They wanted him to put on a show, to entertain them with his skills.
レオニー: あー、なるほど。武芸の達人は酔ってても狙いを外さない、みたいな?
Leonie: Oh, I get it. They figured his aim would be great even while drunk.
アロイス: おお、よくわかったな。ちょうど手斧があったから、これで的を当てようと。
Alois: That's right! He had a hatchet, and they asked him to hit targets with it.
レオニー: え? 手斧? 短剣とかじゃなく?
Leonie: A hatchet, huh? I guess a dagger would be too easy?
アロイス: ああ。それで団長が私に言うわけだ。リンゴを頭に乗せて、そこに立てと。
Alois: Indeed, indeed. Then the captain tells me, "Put this apple on your head, and stand over there."
レオニー: えー、それじゃあ、アロイスさんの頭上を目がけて手斧を投げようって話に?
Leonie: Ah! So he could knock it right off, huh?
アロイス: そのはずだったんだが、実際は頭どころか体のど真ん中に飛んできてな。
Alois: That was the idea, but the hatchet fell short of my head, nearly striking me square in the chest! If I hadn't gotten out of the way, that inn would have been my grave.
レオニー: あははは、やっぱりね!師匠って不器用なところ、あったから!
Leonie: I knew it! That's our captain, so clumsy sometimes!
アロイス: ジェラルト殿は、歴戦による古傷で、やや器用さを欠くこともあったからな。
Alois: True. Injuries take their toll on a man's dexterity.
レオニー: ああ、それでだったんですね。細かい作業は苦手だって話はよく聞いてましたよ。
Leonie: Oh, so that's why? I just remember him saying his hands were no good for finesse.
アロイス: それでも剣の技量になれば、私程度ではまったく及ばなかったがね。
Alois: Regardless — a master swordsman, that Captain Jeralt. Even with the hatchet, now that I think of it. I never saw him miss in the training yard.
レオニー: え? そうなんですか?それって何だかおかしいような……。
Leonie: Really? Seems unlike him to miss that apple, then.
アロイス: うむ、私も自分で言っていて気付いた。私に投げた時も、本当はもっと上手に……。
Alois: Yes, that just dawned on me. Throwing that hatchet, he shouldn't have missed so badly.
レオニー: アロイスさん、本当は師匠に嫌われていたんじゃないの?
Leonie: Do you think maybe he was secretly angry with you?
アロイス: そ、そんなことはない、と思うが……。まさか本当に私を殺そうと……?
Alois: I'm not sure! What if the captain was, in fact, trying to kill me?!
レオニー: あはははは、冗談、冗談! アロイスさんが避けられるのわかっててやったんですよ。
Leonie: Ha! No way! He must have just known you would dodge the throw in time. Horsing around at the inn, deadly serious on the battlefield. Sounds just like him, doesn't it?
アロイス: ああ、そうだな。確かに普段の団長は、緊張感などまるでない人だからな。
Alois: Yes. Certainly an eccentric man. Sometimes, Leonie, you quite remind me of him.
A Support
レオニー: つまり、結論として、わたしは師匠みたいな傭兵になりたいんです!
Leonie: So, that's it. I'm going to be a great mercenary just like Captain Jeralt!
アロイス: ……途中を大幅にすっ飛ばしての結論、ジェラルト殿を見ているようだ。
Alois: Hah! You skipped right to the conclusion. That's exactly what Jeralt would do.
レオニー: でしょ、でしょ?この感じ、師匠を真似してみたんです。
Leonie: I know! I picked that up from him too.
アロイス: そんなところばかり真似されても……。結局のところは戦いの技量次第だと思うが。
Alois: That might not be the finest trait of his to emulate. In the end, if you want to join the Knights of Seiros, it comes down to combat skill. Regardless, I'm happy to hear you say all this.
レオニー: え? 何でですか?
Leonie: Why's that?
アロイス: 私もジェラルト殿のような騎士にならんと、これまで懸命に励んできた。
Alois: I've strived to become a knight at the level of Captain Jeralt. But I'm an old man. I've come to accept that... I will never be his match.
レオニー: そ、そんなことはないと思いますけど……。
Leonie: No! Don't say that, you can't give up!
アロイス: いや、いいのだ。私の技量は私自身が一番よく知っている。
Alois: No, no. It's quite alright. I know myself and what I'm capable of.
But you're still young. Youth is a weapon of the utmost power. Infinite possibility.
We are both inspired by Captain Jeralt, so I hereby bequeath to you my lofty ambitions.
レオニー: あ、アロイスさん……。急にそんなかっこいいこと言われても、わたし……。
Leonie: That's — wow. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say...
アロイス: 泣くことはない。むしろ清々しい気分だ。私の夢をレオニー殿に託すことができて。
Alois: No need to cry, Leonie. I'm relieved. My dream is in good hands with you. Captain Jeralt is looking down proudly on you, I'm sure. Will you carry on his legacy?
レオニー: アロイスさん……。わかりました。わたしが引き継いでみせます!
Leonie: Of course I will. Definitely.
アロイス: レオニー殿……。
Alois: Leonie... Uh... Do you remember the story I told you once, about what happened at the inn?
レオニー: ああ、あの手斧の話の?もちろん覚えてますけど、それが何か?
Leonie: The hatchet throwing? Sure, I remember. Why?
アロイス: あの酒場にはジェラルト殿の大量のツケが残っていてな。今でも払いを請求される。
Alois: Jeralt ran up quite a tab with his drinking, and he left without paying. Now his debt is due. And, as you have declared that you'll carry on his legacy... You see where I'm going with this.
レオニー: な、何それ!?わたし、何も飲んでないのに!?
Leonie: Wait, what?! That's got nothing to do with me!
アロイス: 私も下戸だ。飲んだのはジェラルト殿だ。なのに今までコツコツと返してきたのだ。
今後払うのはレオニー殿だと伝えておく!若いレオニー殿なら大丈夫だ! 頼んだぞ!
Alois: Nothing to do with me either. I don't drink. Even so, all this time, I've been paying it back little by little.
And it's not just that one place. He owes money in towns all over Fódlan.
I haven't been able to step into a tavern anywhere without being badgered for payment. So exhausting!
But now I can say that the debts are for you to cover! You're still young, so I'm sure you'll manage in time. Thank you, Leonie!
レオニー: ちょ、ちょっと待ってよ、アロイスさん!冗談でしょ? 何だ、これー!
Leonie: Hold on! That's a joke, right?! Hey! Get back here! Take your lofty ambitions back! I don't want your stupid debts!